November 2004

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Newsletter for November 2004

IACEE Secretary General's Corner

As the New Year approaches, I am taken with the thought that this upcoming year is critical for IACEE. I firmly believe that the IACEE members are commited towards the improvement and amplification of continuing engineering education, and that we all are working towards strengthening CEE's. Yet in order for our work to be effective, we need to become more active.

Please consider becoming more active in IACEE. Visit our website,, participate in the IACEE forum on the site, contribute an article to the newsletter, complete the survey regarding CEE best practices located at, or even simply discuss CEE teaching methods with other members of IACEE. If we want to increase our influence, we need to increase our activity level and our visibility.

Some of you might have questions as to how you can become more involved. To that end, in each issue of the newsletter, we will be publishing the contact information for the officers of IACEE's Executive Committee. Please feel free to contact them, or myself, with any comments, suggestions, or input in improving IACEE's role in the CEE field.

You are the future of continuing engineering education. Your opinions and suggestions towards improving CEE visibility are critical to IACEE's future. Please prepare and send to me your thoughts for publication in the IACEE newsletter.

Frank L. Huband
IACEE Secretary General

IACEE Executive Committee

Mervyn Jones

First Vice President; Vice President, Special Interest Groups
Feng Changgen

Vice President, Membership Development
Frank Burris

Vice President, Projects
Gerardo Ferrando

Vice President, World Conferences on CEE
Colin C.F. Leung

Secretary General
Frank Huband

Papers of Interest to
Continuing Engineering Educators

We continue our focus on papers presented at the 9th WCCEE in Tokyo. This month's papers discuss continuing engineering education in Japan.

Please click on each title to read the full paper - note that you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to read the files (to download a free copy, click here). If you have a paper that you would like to share with the IACEE community, please contact the newsletter at

Continuing Education of Engineers at the Tokyo Electric Power Company
Tokuhiie Ujiie & Satomi Terabe

The Tokyo Electric Power Company is one of the world's largest privately operated power utilities , with over 43.2 million customers. Their engineer development programs focus on fostering human talent capable of responding flexibly to a changing management environment by performaing work based on leadership skills, engineering prowess, and a high degree of technical knowledge.

Initiatives in Continuing Education for Engineers at Nippon Koei
Toshiro Sasaki

Nippon Koei Co., Ltd., has been implementing new measures in continuing education since April 2002 to enhance the technical capability of its professional staff. This paper introduces the background, structure, progress, and future outlook for this initiative.

Continuing Professional Development System of the Japan Society of Civil Engineers
Syunsuke Ikeda, Kazuhiko Kawashima, Kazuya Ohshima, & Kozo Katayama

The Japan Society of Civil Engineers amended its constitution in 1999 to include the improvement of the quality of civil engineers. To that end, JSCE has continuing efforts on professional development within the Civil Engineers' Qualification system.

Certification of Individual CPD Programs and their Criteria
Kazuya Ohshima, Kazuo Murata & Kozo Katayama

In 2001, JSCE established the Continuing Professional Development System as a measure to improve individual qualities of civil engineers, with program certification being performed based on certain criteria.

Articles on Distance Education/Technology

ASME has recently signed several agreements and memorandums of understanding with several Chinese societies and institutions. One of these agreements involves the promotion of ASME's certification programs. Tsinghua University, located in Beijing, will be offering continuing engineering education courses to engineers in China that would be needed in order to maintain certification.

To read the full article, please see:

EE-Oz Training Standards and the Australian National Training Authority have released a draft skills report that forecasts skill needs and possible solutions in the electrical, telecommunications and energy utilities industries. It proposes a range of strategies to attract new employees, how to transfer skills, improve the industries' image, develop a wide number and variety of entry level qualifications, how to provide apprentice and trainee incentives for employers, improve worker retention, and review training packages. Copies of the report are available from


IACEE is pleased to announce that the 10th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education will be held in Vienna, Austria, on April 19-21, 2006. The conference will take place at the Vienna University of Technology.

We encourage you to put this conference on your calendars. For more information, please see:

To view conference websites, please click on their titles.

6-7 December
CeTuss Workshop
"Collaboration in Engineering Education"
Uppsala, Sweden

25 December - 2 January 2005
International Design Workshop
Istanbul, Turkey

15-17 February

International Conference on Software Engineering
Innsbruck, Austria

16-18 February
International Conference on Biomedical Engineering
Innsbruck, Austria

4-6 April
VIE 2005
"Convergence in Graphics and Vision"
Glasgow, Scotland

For more information on future conferences, please see

To submit items for the newsletter, please contact Jennifer Johnson at:

View past newsletters at:

Do you have an interesting project in the field of engineering education that you would like to share with fellow IACEE members? We want to showcase papers or information from IACEE members in this newsletter. To submit articles/items of information, please contact Jennifer Johnson.

1818 N Street, NW
Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036 USA

Web Site:

Mervyn Jones

Vice President
Feng Changgen

Secretary General
Frank Huband