May 2004

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Newsletter for May 2004

IACEE President's Corner

I am writing this within a few days of returning from Japan and attending the 9th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education, which was held in Tokyo from May 16 - 20. Thanks must go to the conference president, Professor Hajime Sasaki, and his team for assembling and organising and excellent and stimulating conference. A fuller report on this conference will appear in the next newsletter.

This conference also saw the 'end of term' for the last Council and elections for the new Council and Executive Committee, a list of which appears elsewhere in this newsletter. A large vote of appreciation must be given to all those who served in various roles during the last term and none more so than the retiring President, Alfredo Soeiro for all his contributions.

Looking ahead and taking stock, I think we must build from on the strengths of our new base to increase the effectiveness of our Association. With this in mind, I highlight the following points.

1) IACEE is a global network champions and encourages the development of CEE in a wide range of situations. As a network, we should strive to ensure that there is effective communication between us, and that the Association brings benefit to its members.

2) We have to ensure that the organisation functions on a sound financial basis, so that we can have a secure platform for growth and development.

3) We need to make every effort to increase our membership as this will both ensure that we truly are able to represent CEE on a global basis, and also give us an income on which to operate and maintain a healthy organisation.

4) We should continue to develop the various goals and strategies for IACEE that respect the diversity of background, location and mission of members, yet at the same time can be seen to bring benefit to them. As part of this, we should be looking constantly to see how activities can be encouraged in different situations.

5) We should ensure that we have appropriate and effective publicity about the organisation. As an additional vehicle to increase awareness, where appropriate, we should consider linking with regional organisations - maintaining our involvement in a diversity of ways.

6) We should continue to develop our international conferences, aiming to increase awareness of CPD, promoting the exchange of good practice and encouraging involvement in the Association.

7) We should encourage the development of specific projects within our network should be encouraged, as also should the dissemination of the results from these. This exchange is valuable and the Association can help by highlighting examples of practice that is good and/or new.

I welcome your comments on these points.

Mervyn Jones
IACEE President

New Council Takes Office

At the recent 9th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education, elections were held for the 2004-2006 governing Council, with Mervyn Jones, Imperial College London (United Kingdom) elected as president of the Council. The full Council is as follows (The president and vice presidents, along with the Secretary General, make up the IACEE Executive Committee):

Mervyn JONES, President
(Imperial College London, United Kingdom)

FENG Changgen, First Vice President; Vice President, Special Interest Groups
(Beijing Institute of Technology, China)

Frank BURRIS, Vice President, Membership Development
(American Society for Engineering Education, United States)

Gerardo FERRANDO, Vice President, Projects
(Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico)

Colin C.F. Leung, Vice President, WCCEE
(National University of Singapor, Singapore)

Nasrudin ABD RAHM
(Association for Engineering Education in Southeast Asia & the Pacific, Malaysia)

(Federation of Arab Engineers, Kuwait)

(Russian Association for Continuing Engineering Education, Russia)

(University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, United States)

(Stanford University, United States)

(Netherlands Institute for CEE, Netherlands)

(Japanese Society for Engineering Education, Japan)

Clement IMBERT
(Caribbean Council of Engineering Organizations, Trinidad & Tobago)

(Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

(Ichiban Consultants Limited, United Kingdom)

(African Network of Scientific & Technological Institutions, Kenya)

(European Society for Engineering Education, Spain)

Philip O'LEARY
(University of Wisconsin - Madison, United States)

(Vienna University of Technology, Austria)

(Espoo-Vantaa Institute of Technology, Finland)

Alfredo SOEIRO
(University of Porto, Portugal)

William WEPFER
(Georgia Institute of Technology, United States)

Papers of Interest to Continuing Engineering Educators

With the globalization of the workforce, there has been much discussion on qualifications and accreditation of engineering programs throughout the world. This month's papers on different approaches and views to engineering education.

Please click on each title to read the full paper - note that you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to read the files (to download a free copy, click here). If you have a paper that you would like to share with the IACEE community, please contact the newsletter at

Themes for an International Code of Engineering Ethics
Increasingly rapid developments in technology and changes in the nature of the global workforce make evident the need for an engineering ethics which is global in its reach. However, pedagogical and professional considerations in engineering ethics continue to have a primarily national character, with attention to cross-cultural and international concerns being seen only as something which is to be superimposed on preexisting national perspectives.

Accreditation of Cooperative Education Programs
This paper examines the evolution of the Accreditation Council for Cooperative Education from a small group of engineering cooperative education programs to a national acreditation movement. Focusing on the need for standards in co-op programs at the post-secondary level, ACCE serves as an organization that strives to strengthen the overall educational experience of undergraduate students in engineering and other disciplines through the formal and structured process of accreditation.

Comparison of the US - German Accreditation Process: A Case Study
A comparison of the accreditation process for engineering programs in the USA to the approval process to offer an academic program in the Bundesrepublik Deutschland shows the processes to have very similar purposes and concerns. A case study is presented for an international exchange program in electrical engineering between the Milwaukee School of Engineering and the Fachhochschule Lübeck.


IACEE is proud to announce that the 10th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education will be held in April 2006 at the Vienna University of Technology, Austria. Please look for more information on this meeting in the July 2004 IACEE newsletter.

28-30 June
4th BGA

Geoenvironmental Engineering Conference

7-10 September
ASEE International, China

3rd ASEE International Engineering Education Colloquium

8-10 September
SEFI 2004

SEFI Annual Conference
The XXI Century - the Golden Opportunity for Engineering Education

27 September - 1 October
33rd IGIP
IGIP International Symposium
"Local Identity, Global Awareness: Engineering Education Today"

3-6 November
World Engineers Convention

"Engineers Shape the Sustainable Future"

For more information on future conferences, please see

Do you have an interesting project in the field of engineering education that you would like to share with fellow IACEE members? We want to showcase papers or information from IACEE members in this newsletter. To submit articles/items of information, please contact Jennifer Johnson.

To submit items for the newsletter, please contact Jennifer Johnson at:

View past newsletters at:

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Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036 USA

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Mervyn Jones

Vice President
Feng Changgen

Secretary General
Frank Huband