December 2003

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Newsletter for December 2003

IACEE President's Corner

Dear IACEE Members:

I am writing this message just before the Holiday season, and there are two issues that I would like to call to your attention.

The first is related with the elections next May. There have been significant changes to the make-up of the Council, and these were intended to benefit the association and its members. The election of the President is a direct one, and there are more places in the Council for members - individual or collective - that are not representing the Founding Members. The details and other information are on the IACEE web site – Do visit the site and make a nomination or express your candidacy. I personally feel that the reorganization of the Council provides more opportunities for members to become more active; this will improve the association.

The second issue I would like to talk about is the profile of IACEE in the CEE arena. A main asset of IACEE is the expertise that our members represent in the area of CEE. Therefore, the Council has decided to create a database with the information about its members capacities and availability on CEE. The idea is that IACEE can be a broker between demands in general on quality and accreditation and the response from IACEE members. You will receive a simple form to fill and return to IACEE in the first months of 2004. The database will have a first version available at the May 2004 WCCEE. At the same time, you will receive a proposal for the IACEE credit unit.

I hope you find these initiatives useful, and that you consider participating in these projects. Accreditation of engineering, and of CEE in particular, are becoming a main issue around the world and IACEE should have a stand. For example, SEFI decided last November to create a task force on this issue; ASIBEI met in December for three days in Madrid to discuss this issue; a delegation of American Deans visited Brussels this December to discuss this theme following an invitation from DAAD; the thematic network E4 published its report on the recent findings; and WFEO has scheduled a meeting for the coming year on this topic.

Meanwhile, the 9th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education, to be held in Tokyo, is being finalized. There are more than 130 papers that will be presented, and the Imperial Family will host the opening ceremony. Make your reservations, bring a colleague and have a Happy Holiday Season.

Alfredo Soeiro
IACEE President
Call for 2004-2007 Council/Officer Nominations

The 2001-2004 IACEE Council has appointed the Nominating Committee for the 21 Council seats for the 2004-2007 term. The Nominating Committee consists of Past Presidents John P. Klus and Javier Jimenez Espriu, former Secretary General Markku Markkula, with Past President Frank E. Burris serving as Chair. At the 10th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education in Tokyo in May 2004, the General Membership Meeting will elect a new Council and a new President for the next triennium. The new Council will then elect four Vice Presidents to serve with the President on the Executive Committee. Each of the four Vice Presidents will have special responsibilities in one of the following areas: Membership Development, Special Interest Groups, Projects, and World Conferences on CEE.

The 21 Council members must be IACEE members in good standing, who have a demonstrated interest in moving the association forward in the early years of the 21st century. Council members must also commit to attend the annual Council meeting and have sufficient financial resources to support their travel between home and the meeting site. The five Executive Committee members must have additional resources to participate in at least one face-to-face Executive Committee meeting at a location and time other than the annual Council meeting.

Please submit your nomination(s) by February 1, 2004, to Dr. Frank E. Burris, UCLA Extension, Suite 540, 10995 LeConte Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90024-2883, USA. Communication via e-mail is preferred at

Papers on Continuing Engineering Education

Cooperative education, whether it be cooperative teaching or learning, is currently a hot topic in engineering education. From accreditation to how the programs work, the papers chosen as this month's selections explore all facets of co-op education.

Please click on each title to read the full paper - note that you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to read the files (to download a free copy, click here). If you have a paper that you would like to share with the IACEE community, please contact the newsletter at

Accreditation of Cooperative Education Programs
This paper examines the evolution of the Accreditation Council for Cooperative Education (ACCE) in the United States from a small group of engineering cooperative education (co-op) programs to a national accreditation movement. Focusing on the need for standards in co-op programs at the post-secondary level, ACCE serves as an organization that strives to strengthen the overall educational experience of undergraduate students in engineering and other disciplines through the formal and structured process of accreditation.

Enhancing Engineering Education with Writing-to-learn and Cooperative Learning
Current progressive teaching movements draw forth strong skepticism as they often seem antithetical to engineering classes. The authors question the validity of this skepticism by defining learning goals, such as depth of learning, engagement, and retntion, that should be considered during selection of teaching methods.

Cooperative Engineering Education Program
Cooperative education or co-op is a program the enriches the student's education by integrating professionally related work experience with academic study. Co-op exposes the student to the real world of work and to career options.

Cooperative Teaching Exploring a Multidisciplinary Engineering Problem
The simple case study presented constitutes an illustrative example of how surprisingly rich an open-ended experimental problem may prove to be. This has involved an instrumented soft drink can and a PC as the starting point for a fruitful multidisciplinary investigation that ended up bringing together manpower and know-how from various engineering areas in a very rewarding cooperative teaching and learning exercise.

9th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education

The 9th WCCEE, sponsored by IACEE and co-sponsored by the Science Council of Japan and the Japanese Society for Engineering Education, will be held in Tokyo on 15-20 May 2004. With the theme of "Strategy of Continuing Engineering Education for International Competence and Cooperation," the conference will address such topics as case studies for CPD, CEE in developing countries, and knowledge management. Please visit the conference website by clicking here.


10-12 December
ANZIIS 2003, Australia

8th Australian & New Zealand Conference on Intelligent Information Systems

11-12 December
SEFI - CEE, Sweden
Continuing Engineering Education as a Business

28-30 January 2004
SICPRO '04, Russia

Third International Conference on System Identification and Control Problems

3-6 February
CIEC 2004, USA
Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration
"Preparing Engineering Leaders for 2020"

7-12 March
CCE IX, Mexico
Cell Culture Engineering

22-24 March
AFM 2004, Portugal
5th International Conference on Advances in Fluid Mechanics

14-17 April
ICEIS 2004, Portugal
6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems

25-29 April
12th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering
"Nuclear Engergy - Powering the Future"

26-28 May
ASEAN, Malaysian Borneo
Australian Engineering Conference

For more information on future conferences, please see

Spotlight on Members

Do you have an interesting project in the field of engineering education that you would like to share with fellow IACEE members? We want to showcase papers or information from IACEE members in this newsletter. To submit articles/items of information, please contact Jennifer Johnson.

To submit items for the newsletter, please contact Jennifer Johnson at:

View past newsletters at:

1818 N Street, NW
Suite 600
Washington, DC 20036 USA

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Alfredo A.V. Soeiro

Vice President
Feng Changgen

Secretary General
Frank L. Huband